Can You Feel Spiritual in Your Body?

Will Johnson is one of the most fascinating meditation teachers on the planet. I am not exaggerating. You will experience your body in a new way after listening to this.

He’s been a mentor and friend of mine for many years, and I am thrilled to share a conversation I had with him recently on Mystics & Masters which is relevant to A Course in Miracles students, meditators, spiritual seekers, and, frankly, everyone who finds his approach appealing.

Will Johnson is the founder and director of the Institute for Embodiment Training, which combines Western somatic psychotherapy with Eastern meditation practices. The results felt in the body are rare and powerfully transformative. He is also the author of several books, including Breathing Through the Body, The Posture of Meditation and The Spiritual Practices of Rumi.

To hear the fascinating conversation which continued after this interview, please visit:

As always, drop me a line if you have a question, or if you’re interested in private coaching with me at [email protected]