Spoon of Consciousness is an excellent vlogcast created by Sachin Sharma who interviews people about spirituality, consciousness, personal development and entrepreneurship. In this episode Sachin interviews me and we have a wonderful conversation about spirituality, psychology and A Course in Miracles. Enjoy!
Is My Obsession with God Healthy?

You decide, but I warn you: you may get sucked in with me. Don’t expect this article to make sense. Once the obsession with God has taken hold, knowing “why” does not matter. I often say, “Why is a whyld goose chase.” The ego is whyly. Wily means skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully. […]
Awakening from the Ego Dream
Most people think A Course in Miracles is about forgiveness, and, hopefully, miracles. But the Course is actually about Awakening. What is Awakening? How can you tell if you’re Awakening? Is Awakening supposed to be endlessly blissful? What does it feel like in your body? Or is it only a Mind thing? Join Corinne Zupko […]
Where Does Your Smile Come From?

Investigating your smile will solve every problem you have. Twenty-five years ago, I became obsessed with God. I really didn’t see it coming, because I was raised without religion, had no acquaintance with the Bible, had rarely entered a religious institution, and when once told I was “spiritual” by a co-worker, had no idea what […]
5 Reasons to Keep the Faith

It’s easy to feel “God’s not listening,” “God doesn’t care about me,” or even, “God doesn’t exist.” I was raised as an atheist. But I was also a child of the ’60s. The psychedelic art of Peter Max, psychedelic music of the Grateful Dead, and psychedelic drugs that were a norm at parties and sit […]
Sri Mooji Baba
On a rainy Saturday in October, with a feeling of baptism in the air, Mooji met with me in the breathtaking Ramakrishna Yurt which is perched on the edge of a precipice with a view that silences the ego mind instantly. Sri Mooji is a true Master, the living Christ, and points to the simple […]
Rupert Spira
Rupert Spira was kind enough to sit with Bill and me while we were on retreat with him at Mercy Center in San Francisco. Rupert has a clarity that sounds in the mind like a Zen gong! His insights help “connect the dots” in ways you will be thankful for. Watch Part II of this […]
Dr. Rocco Errico
Ancient Aramaic sheds light on how to truly interpret scripture. Dr. Rocco Errico shares fascinating and powerful insights in this conversation with Amy Torres. This interview, Setting A Trap for God, is the first in a series of six. Explore Dr. Errico’s work at www.noohra.com Here is the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJEhj…