Everything Happens for a Reason … Or Does It?
My colleague and longtime friend, Corinne Zupko, wrote a wise and comforting article about whether God teaches us lessons through pain, which I consider a classic. Please enjoy … Popular Phrases that Mask Our Fear of Love … Reinterpreted! This quote from “A Course in Miracles” (ACIM) has always brought me a lot of comfort: […]

Fire Energy & Forgiveness Workshop
Join me in my online workshop on how to access your healthy anger and use it positively. Fire Energy & Forgiveness: How Healthy Anger Sets You Free This online e-course includes four video classes, along with an audio-only version for easy listening, and many extras. Fee: a mere $47 for potentially earth-shattering transformation 🙂 Location: […]

The Energy of Healthy Anger – Fire!
I’ve been promising to write about fire energy and its relationship to anger without hostility … in other words, healthy anger. I meant to finish this piece yesterday and get it to you much earlier today, but it’s taken me two days to get my thoughts on paper. I hope it’s clear. Yes, there is […]

Ferocious Guidance
Last week, I shared the Message that I received through grace about 15 years ago: “Amy is thinning away like the heel of a threadbare sock.” It was a kind Message, assuring me that my delvings into spirituality were effective. Viscerally, I understood that as the strands of Amy were rubbed away, what was left would be […]

Your Miracles Are Stashed in the Subtext
Yesterday, I suggested you ask yourself what messages your anger holds for you. And I promised to share more about how to go beneath the facade and uncover your subtext. What you find there will unravel your anger and reveal more vulnerable emotions. Your feelings during this process may be very powerful, like water breaking […]

How Do You Feel After a Fair Fight?
How do you feel after a fair fight? Closer, safer, stronger, freer … Yesterday, I mentioned the idea of anger without hostility. Fair fighting promotes the expression of anger without antagonism. When you approach your own anger and the anger of others with interest and respectful attention, anger turns conflict into fertile ground for partnership. […]

Anger Without Hostility – How to Fight Fair
I promised I’d get back to you about fair fighting if there was enough interest and there was … so let’s begin with an oft-quoted line from A Course in Miracles: Anger is never justified. It is an unequivocal statement which seems to leave us in a quandary. If we accept that anger is never […]

Thinning Away Like the Heel of a Threadbare Sock
A God-given Message came to me about 15 years ago: “You are thinning away like the heel of a threadbare sock.” I immediately understood this Message and knew it to be true, although it wasn’t easy to explain to someone else. Now feels like the right time to share how I came to be thinning […]

Is My Obsession with God Healthy?
You decide, but I warn you: you may get sucked in with me. Don’t expect this article to make sense. Once the obsession with God has taken hold, knowing “why” does not matter. I often say, “Why is a whyld goose chase.” The ego is whyly. Wily means skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully. […]

I Know You Really Love Me
For most of my life, I assumed there was something deep, dark and shameful about myself that would make people recoil in horror from me, if they really got to know me. This belief was unconscious, and it actually took a lot of work for me to admit this to myself. It was necessary, because […]

The Challenge of Physical Pain and Disability
One of the challenges expressed during the recent Weekend of Freedom Retreat was the issue of pain and physical disabilities. This deserves more attention and clarification than we had time for over the weekend. It is also relevant to many, many people. So let’s look more closely at how the ego consumes us with fear […]

Shekinah, Divine Feminine and the Holy Spirit
One fateful night circa 2008, a lovely guest from Israel graced my New York City “A Course in Miracles” class. We hadn’t gotten far when I referred to the Holy Spirit as “He” and our guest bolted upright with surprise! “He?” she said, making sure she heard me right. “Yes,” I answered, “The Course […]

What Happens When You Turn a Thief …
What happens when you turn a thief into a recipient of a gift? Radical innocence, radical generosity, radical kindness. When I was just getting started as a psychotherapist, I rented a room in a shared office space in Park Slope, Brooklyn. It was on the ground floor of a charming brownstone. You walked down three […]

It’s Irresponsible NOT To Be A Millionaire
If you don’t like who has the money, get some of it yourself! I’ve always made a modest income and managed to live quite nicely. But last October I bumped into my budget and saw that it was not covering my expenses. Ummm, how did that happen? Oh, all the usual ways. Maybe we can […]

Where Does Your Smile Come From?
Investigating your smile will solve every problem you have. Twenty-five years ago, I became obsessed with God. I really didn’t see it coming, because I was raised without religion, had no acquaintance with the Bible, had rarely entered a religious institution, and when once told I was “spiritual” by a co-worker, had no idea what […]

5 Reasons to Keep the Faith
It’s easy to feel “God’s not listening,” “God doesn’t care about me,” or even, “God doesn’t exist.” I was raised as an atheist. But I was also a child of the ’60s. The psychedelic art of Peter Max, psychedelic music of the Grateful Dead, and psychedelic drugs that were a norm at parties and sit […]